Virtual HaxoGreen setup

Dear HaxoGreenists

what would be a camp, even virtual, without appropriate apparel? So we set up a little spreadshirt shop with this camps logo and design. You have some choice of items or can be creative doing your own.
More info on Please order quickly to have your tshirt for the online event!
We are just a couple of weeks away from the official date,  so virtual gathering places and rooms have been organized.
Our virtual map contains the actual location where every participant is having their haxogreen time. This can be at home, in your own hackerspace (if it’s allowed to open) or on holidays. Add your own:
You can always find us on our riot channel
or on channel #haxogreen on freenode irc
During the week of haxogreen (or before, who really cares?) all participants are invited to set up their virtual villages in various jitsi rooms. A dedicated jitsi server is available for this. If you already have a jitsi URL for your hackerspace meetings, you can alternatively write that one in the list.
If you plan specific activities, or want to give a tour through your hackerspace, please list these on 
During the event, we would like to have some talks or workshops. This will be held in BigBlueButton rooms managed by the orga.
We will try to have a webcam running at the actual camp site, so you can see the trees you love.
Your HaxoGreen team